Amanda Collins is a rape survivor and gun rights activist. You can listen to her recount the horrific details of the night she was raped as a student in Nebraska. She owned a gun but she left it at home, because her campus was a "gun free zone." That of course, didn't stop her attacker from having a gun on him when he attacked her.
It just stopped Amanda (who has a CWP) from having hers.
Which brings us to Colorado, where they will be voting next week on a bill to ban CWP holders from carrying a gun on college campuses. As the bill was debated in a subcommittee, it took approximately 10 seconds before a dipsh*t to opened his mouth and told women they don't need to carry a gun because there are whistles and call boxes. And if that wasn't enough, he warned that a woman with a gun might shoot an innocent male since women "don't really know if they are about to get raped" or if a guy is just following them and giving them the creepy rape vibe.
Amanda Collins, heard about it, and ripped him a new one. Shockingly, in the middle of all this the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs advised women to urinate and vomit on an attacker. Women have the right to protect themselves.
The interest of college students feeling "comfortable" on campus does not out weight a CWP holder's right to carry a gun.
Amanda appeared before the Colorado legislature this week to set the record straight. She was raped underneath a call box, in a safe zone with a gun pointed at her head. She didn't have a whistle and wouldn't have used it if she had. More importantly, she didn't have her gun.
She left her gun at home to obey the law. Amanda testified that she is certain she would have found a moment to use it on her attacker, had she been carrying.
That's when, Sen Evie Hudak took the hearings to a new low and attacked the rape survivor with bogus stats and a patronizing attitude. I honestly wish I could have punched her in the face on behalf of all women.
Despite the fact that Ms. Hudaks statistics were a total fabrication, spun from a summary of 15 year old data from the FBI - people sided with the bitchy congresswoman, instead of the courageous rape surviver. The Judiciary Committee approved the campus concealed carry ban along with six other gun control proposals.
All seven gun control bills are scheduled to be debated on the Colorado Senate floor.
After hearing one woman after another who had been raped/assaulted plead with the committee for the right to protect themselves, Sen. Hudak said "I feel so horrible for what some of these people have endured….I am actually really looking out for their best interest." To that I say, with all due respect, that's all that Amanda Collins is trying to do: follow the law as a law abiding, licensed gun owner and protect herself. She doesn't need a whistle or a call box, she can look out for her best interest - just let her.
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