четверг, 18 апреля 2013 г.

live vs. online - Poker Forums

If you are paying "income per hour", you have to remember that live poker plays a whole lot slower than the online version, and you can only play one table at a time. I can see plenty of people in a casino that aren't well suited to play live, because they are unable to handle what they consider boring dead time between hands.

I do much better live than online, I think because I get a better feel for people by all of their moves and what they are actually doing at the table. Are they really paying attention, or at they chatting with someone at the rail? Are they still babbling about the last hand, or what?

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Also, I find that a lot of table talk can tell you a bunch about people. I had one the other night where one player made a fairly bad all in move, got called, busted out, and left the table. Listening to how the other players described his move, and what they would have done, and looking at who got involved in that discussion and who didn't tells you some stuff.

Over time, it's that collection of information that is pretty important.

That's just my view... I do prefer a live game and I am lucky enough to have it about an hour away from home.

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