The BlackBox Weightlifting Club recently had two of our lifters qualify for a national meet in Tennessee in April. This being the first national meet we’ve had anyone qualify and compete in, we could use some help to get there. Any and all support would be GREATLY appreciated!
So, there are a few ways you can help!

Casino Night:
The first way to help, you can come have some fun at BlackBox!! Thursday night, March 28th, we will be having a Casino Night to raise money for Vicky & Taylor to compete in Nationals! There will be a buy in of $25.
At our game night there will be a silent auction, food, Blackjack, Poker, and FUN! (There will not be a 530 or 630pm class on the 28th).
Donate Online:
If you are unable to attend BB’s Casino Night, don’t fret! You may also donate some funds via this link!!
Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch 6x1+1
Followed by,
Pull Ups
Slam Ball
3xmax L-Sit/Hang

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