A poll of school board members across the state found support for the state's effort to impose an evaluation system if a district can't come to an agreement on local criteria with a teachers union, the New York State School Boards Association announced this morning.
The news comes as Gov. Andrew Cuomo's 30-day amendments to his $142.6 billion budget proposal would have the state Department of Education impose an evaluation plan for teachers and principles in New York City after the United Federation of Teachers and the Bloomberg administration couldn't reach a deal.

“School board members recognize the importance of having an effective evaluation system in place for teachers and principals,” said New York State School Boards Association Executive Director Timothy G. Kremer. “At the same time, they know full well the challenges involved in negotiating evaluation plans and believe there should be some default mechanism in place for districts that do not reach agreement.”
The board found its survey also indicated support for a minimum wage increase and narrow 51-percent majority support expanding casino gambling outside of American Indian tribes.
As proposed by Cuomo, 90 percent of the revenue from new casinos would go toward education and 10 percent toward local property tax relief.
Cuomo wants to build three casinos north of the New York City metropolitan region, but one of the oustanding issues in his spending proposal with lawmakers is who has the power to site the casinos - the governor's gaming commission or the Legislature.
Kremer said the school boards don't want the gambling revenue to substitute current education spending.
"If casinos become a reality in New York, revenue generated to support public education must be used as a supplement – not a substitute – for current education funding," he said.

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