вторник, 16 апреля 2013 г.

Deadbeat Club

Follow @madwixxy

I don’t know about you, but I am sick to death of being treated like an idiot. We cop it all the time whether it’s a TV commercial like the latest Colgate ad that treats us like we are stupid, or whether it’s the propagandists think if they tell us often enough that Tony Abbott is loved in Western Sydney we’ll believe it.

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Today I thought I'd vent a bit…

We all know that there is a major issue with problem gambling in Australia, and pokie machines are a big part of that problem. Some of you that have followed my posts for a while may even remember a post I did on the pokies back in 2011, which is still relevant today.

In Sydney alone there are more poker machines than there are in the whole of Las Vegas, and that is a city built just for gambling.

It is hard to find a pub without a pokie, and it is damn near impossible to even imagine a club without more machines than customers.

When our children turn 18 they are expected to cope with the sudden appearance of gambling virtually everywhere they go, and I’m sure it is of no co-incidence that they are learning to deal with the affects of alcohol at the same time. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see the potential problems there…

Some political parties are so committed to pokies that they put potential candidates faces on them…

But what really pisses me off is with all the talk about problem gambling that we are constantly being spoon fed the line:

“Clubs, part of the solution”

What a crock of shit.

Do they really think that we are that stupid? Clubs that are struggling for cash with many on the verge of going under are going to be looking for a means of stopping people throwing money their way? I’m sorry, I find that pill a bit hard to swallow….

Clubs being part of the solution is a bit like saying:

Drug dealers are part of the solution in the fight against drug addiction.

Breweries part of the solution to alcoholism.

Big Tobacco and their Liberal Party donations part of the solution to nicotine addiction.

Smith and Wesson part of the gun crime solution

KFC are lead players in the solution to childhood obesity

These are the same clubs that spent millions on advertising to stop the government putting through reform legislation on poker machines. Spending the money your nanna or your child, or maybe even you flush down the pokies to influence the government.

The remind me of the NRA and gun lobby groups in the US binding together everytime there is a massacre at a school.

These are the same clubs that have a picture of a Labor MP next to virtually every ATM and Poker Machine section in their clubs accusing them of attempting to “hurt their community” and other such nonsense for attempting to tackle the problem gambling issue.

Part of the propaganda solution at a club in Penrith

These are the same clubs that ambushed the coverage of an NRL Final broadcast with commentary typical of the “cash for comment” scandal. Commentators voiced their opinions against pokie reform as an anti-pokie reform website address was advertised on screen. The commentators denied being told to do this at first and later changed their story.

A new broadcast on the commentary is below. 

These are the clubs that organise free buses to pick up people from retirement villages, not to play bowls, but to play pokies. Free tea and bickies for all…

If you think that this sounds like part of a solution, then best put your head back in the sand.

Yes their lobbyists will come out and say they are spending money to fight problem gambling, but I would challenge them to release figures and compare them to that of pokie profits.

Big Tobacco spends money on anti-smoking and medical research as well, but nobody seriously thinks of them as saints.

With all this talk of nanny-state fanning the flames of misguided anger it is no wonder the mis-informed are in such a huff about it.

Nanny State, what bollocks, do they want to lift seat–belt laws as well, perhaps drink-driving restrictions? We already have rules regulating how far an RBT or booze bus has to be from a pub or club. After all putting one too close to a club might mean someone will drink less before climbing into the driver’s seat, we be can’t having that can we?

Once again clubs being part of the solution.

As we close in on the September election it will be interesting to see what propaganda is thrown at us from the clubs who are clearly scared to death of losing their license to print money.

Printing money at the Royal RSL Mint

The Labor Party have committed to pokie reform to address problem gambling and its affect on the community. Whether you agree with how it's to be implemented or not, at least they are having a go.

Alternatively The Liberal Party have committed to raising the company tax rate of every company and small business by approximately 4.5% and relaesed no plans for pokie reform.

The Clubs becoming a mouthpiece of the Liberal Party shows that even a promised tax hike doesn’t compare with the vast rivers of cash being generated from pokies.

Anyhow. I’d love to say more but I need to go and discuss my alcohol problems with a man named Jack Daniels.

Apparently he is part of the solution….

Follow @madwixxy

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