понедельник, 15 апреля 2013 г.

DrupalCon Portland Proposals Galore

Meet the Modernizr module (Chris Ruppel): Look under the hood and make sure you're getting the most out of your library.

Advanced frontend performance (Chris Ruppel): If you missed this sold-out (well, packed) session at DrupalCon Munich, this is your chance to watch and learn.

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Advanced responsive design in Drupal (Ian Carrico, Sam Richard): Come and learn how to use the most advanced tools out there to create the best responsive sites (from the people who built the tools!)

Coding + Development

Workbench case study: A policy of truth (David Diers): David will explore the work he's done with Workbench and how to handle the complexities of real world use-cases.

The backend of frontend development (Ian Carrico): Tools like Sass and Compass have changed the way we code CSS. In order to make things awesome, you need to continually learn how to use these tools in increasingly advanced ways.

Integrating Node.js for real time awesomesauce (Mike Minecki): Come and learn from the pros how to integrate Node.js to bring real-time interaction to any project.

Make publishing rock! How developers can take advantage of existing usability modules to make content editors happy (Mike Minecki): Don't forget about the folks who are creating and editing the precious content for your site. This session will delve into modules you can use to make the lives of content creators easier.

Government, Nonprofit, and Education

Drupal is going to taje you higher(ed): Seven case studies from higher education (David Diers): Higher education expert David Diers will take you through 7 case studies of how some of the biggest names in higher ed use Drupal. If you missed this enlightening session at NYC Camp last year, this is session is a must.

Business and Strategy

No RFPs! How we can eliminate Requests for Proposals and focus on building client-vendor relationships instead (Todd Nienkerk, Zach Chandler, Crystal Williams): This is not just a session, it's a movement. This panel will continue to discussion generated at DrupalCon Denver, SXSW 2012 and SXSW 2013.

Come join the movement.

Lies about the job market: How to apply for jobs in the 21st century (Cecy Correa): Applying for jobs in this day and age is different than it was for ages past. Resumes are just not enough. Come and learn how to put your best foot forward in this job market and get the job you want.

How to #win at social media: Best practices for you, your company, and your clients (Cecy Correa): Social media insights, I haz them. Let me show you how to win at social, and avoid disasters like these.

Photo credit: Mr. Thomas on Flickr.

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