четверг, 4 апреля 2013 г.

Why Puerto Rico is America's 51st State?

Why is Puerto Rico like Las Vegas, Nevada?

Gambling, particularly Casino gaming, is still a minority activity in the USA - in fact just one current State, Nevada, allows Casinos to operate state-wide.

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Puerto Rico would double that number, and thankfully by bringing a gambling culture that's more reminiscent of the Rat-Pack-era Las Vegas than The Hangover era Las Vegas. The grand El San Juan hotel and casino has a reputation for being the most opulent; we're ducking into the Ritz-Carlton instead because we hear they have a better range of table games than most of the others.

First rule to casinos while travelling - No Slots (pokies? fruit machines? call them what you will, they're not gambling they're a donation to a company that doesn't need your money). Roulette, on the other hand, is definitely gambling … and enjoyable as it was putting ten consecutive $2 bets on lucky number 15 only to see both 14 and 16 (twice!) come up, we know when to draw a line.

The second rule to casinos while travelling is placing them into one of 3 categories - sightseeing, reason, or problem.

Sightseeing is when you briefly duck into a casino, lost $20, take in the experience and leave (like we've done today).

Reason is also cool - that's when you head on a holiday specifically intending to gamble and take in a show, and we won't pass judgement because what happens in Vegas (or Atlantic City) stays in Vegas.

Problem is when you go to a beautiful island like Puerto Rico … and spend the entire time plowing quarters into slot machines. Choose your category beforehand, and bet with your head not over it.

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